Table of Contents
- 官网:
- Linux基金会支持的分布式图数据库
- 跟Apache hadoop的生态结合的比较好,可以使用Spark,hadoop等分析工具进行分析
- 查询语言:
gremlin> g.V().has('name', 'hercules').out('father').out('father').values('name') ==>saturn
g: for the current graph traversal. V: for all vertices in the graph has('name', 'hercules'): filters the vertices down to those with name property "hercules" (there is only one). out('father'): traverse outgoing father edge’s from Hercules. ‘out('father')`: traverse outgoing father edge’s from Hercules’ father’s vertex (i.e. Jupiter). name: get the name property of the "hercules" vertex’s grandfather.
Java client的例子
Traversal t = g.V().has("name", "pluto"); // Define a traversal // Note the traversal is not executed/iterated yet Vertex pluto = null; if (t.hasNext()) { // Check if results are available pluto = g.V().has("name", "pluto").next(); // Get one result g.V(pluto).drop().iterate(); // Execute a traversal to drop pluto from graph } // Note the traversal can be cloned for reuse Traversal tt = t.asAdmin().clone(); if (tt.hasNext()) { System.err.println("pluto was not dropped!"); } List<Vertex> gods = g.V().hasLabel("god").toList(); // Find all the gods
- 图存储的分区
- 边拆分,每个顶点只存一份,边保存多分
- 顶点拆分,每条边只存一份,一个定点可能分到多个不同机器。(√)
- 数据存储结构:
- 邻接表存储,在Hbase中,rowkey为顶点id,value包括顶点属性,边集合,rowkey按字典序排序
- 每个属性或边都是一个cell,按照列排序来加速索引