Table of Contents
Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb
Adversarial attacks on classification models for Graphs
- 图分类模型的对抗攻击
- 图是离散的,无法利用图像的基于梯度的方法
XiaoIce Band: A Melody and Arrangement Generation Framework for Pop Music
- 流行音乐编曲框架
- Google的先驱工作, GANSynth: Adversarial Neural Audio Synthesis
- XiaoIce Band: A Melody and Arrangement Generation Framework for Pop Music
- ActiveRemediation: The Search for Lead Pipes in Flint, Michigan???什么鬼
- STAMP: Short-Term Attention/Memory Priority Model for Session-based Recommendation
- R2SDH: Robust Rotated Supervised Discrete Hashing
- StockAssIstant: A Stock AI Assistant for Reliability Modeling of Stock Comments
- I Know You’ll Be Back: Interpretable New User Clustering and Churn Prediction on a Mobile Social Application Snapchat 用户流失建模和解释
- Large-Scale Order Dispatch in On-Demand Ride-Sharing Platforms: A Learning and Planning Approach 滴滴派单模型加强版
- WattHome: Identifying Energy-Inefficient Homes at City-scale 发现能耗浪费
- Perceive Your Users in Depth: Learning Universal User Representations from Multiple E-commerce Tasks 淘宝用户模型
- TATC: Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease with Actigraphy Data 港中文和腾讯的阿兹海默征研究
- Automatic Discovery of Tactics in Spatio-Temporal Soccer Match Data 足球的什么东西,没搞懂
- Corpus Conversion Service: A machine learning platform to ingest documents at scale. IBM的一个在线文档处理服务
- Using Machine Learning to Assess the Risk of and Prevent Water Main Breaks 水管爆裂预测
- OpenTag: Open Attribute Value Extraction from Product Profiles 亚马逊, 提取商品的属性值
- Detecting Spacecraft Anomalies Using LSTMs and Nonparametric Dynamic Thresholding NASA用机器学习检测太空船异常
- Online Parameter Selection for Web-based Ranking Problems LinkedIn在线模型参数选择
- Rare Query Expansion Through Generative Adversarial Networks in Search Advertising 微软用GAN做query扩展
- Learning and Transferring IDs Representation in E-commerce, ID表达, 阿里巴巴
- Collaborative Deep Metric Learning for Video Understanding, 视频理解,Google
- False Discovery Rate Controlled Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Detection for Online Controlled Exper, 在线AB测试的问题, Snapchat
- Rosetta: Large scale system for text detection and recognition in images, ORC Facebook
- Explaining Aviation Safety Incidents Using Deep Temporal Multiple Instance Learning, 解释航空安全事件 NASA
- Towards station-level demand prediction for effective rebalancing in bike-sharing systems, 共享单车系统中的需求预测
- Du-Parking: Spatio-Temporal Big Data Tells You Realtime Parking Availability, 停车位 Baidu
- Near real-time optimization of activity-based notifications, 通知的近实时优化,LinkedIn
- Accelerating Prototype-Based Drug Discovery using Conditional Diversity Networks, 医药发现
- Releasing eHealth Analytics into the Wild: Lessons Learnt from the SPHERE Project, SPHERE项目的经验, 智能家居
- Detecting Illegal Vehicle Parking Events using Sharing Bikes’ Trajectories, 用共享单车轨迹检测非法停车
- Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Web-Scale Recommender Systems, Pinterest的图卷积网络
- Audience Size Forecasting: Fast and Smart Budget Planning for Media Buyers, 广告的智能预算,Dstillery
- Q&R: A Two-Stage Approach Toward Interactive Recommendation, Google问答式推荐
- ActiveRemediation: The Search for Lead Pipes in Flint, Michigan, 管道搜索?
- Winner’s Curse: Bias Estimation for Total Effects of Features in Online Controlled Experiments, AB测试, Airbnb的一个框架Experiment Reporting Framework
- Detection of Apathy in Alzheimer Patients by Analysing Visual Scanning Behaviour with RNNs, 阿兹海默症研究
- A Dynamic Pipeline for Spatio-Temporal Fire Risk Prediction, 火灾预测, CMU
- Optimization of a SSP’s Header Bidding Strategy using Thompson Sampling, 广告定价?
- Applying the Delta method in metric analytics: A practical guide with novel ideas, Delta方法?大规模AB测试, 微软
Where Will Dockless Shared Bikes be Stacked?—- Parking Hotspots Detection in a New City 共享单车, 上海交通大学
Visual Search at Alibaba, 视觉搜索, 阿里巴巴
- Deep Distributed Fusion Network for Air Quality Prediction, 空气质量预测, 京东
- Deep Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction, DIN, 阿里巴巴
- Learning Tree-based Deep Model for Recommender Systems, TDM, 阿里巴巴
- Dynamic Pricing under Competition on Online Marketplaces: A Data-Driven Approach, 动态价格,
- Web-Scale Responsive Visual Search at Bing, 可视化搜索, 微软
- Distributed Collaborative Hashing and Its Applications in Ant Financial, 协同hash, 蚂蚁金服
- Reinforcement Learning to Rank in E-Commerce Search Engine: Formalization, Analysis, and Application, RL搜索引擎, 阿里巴巴
- COTA: Improving the Speed and Accuracy of Customer Support through Ranking and Deep Networks, 客服?? Uber
- RapidScorer: Fast Tree Ensemble Evaluation by Maximizing Compactness in Data Level Parallelization, 树模型打分加速, 微软
- A real-time framework for detecting efficiency regressions in a globally distributed codebase, 代码仓库检测效率, Facebook
- Inferring Metapopulation Propagation Network for Intra-city Epidemic Control and Prevention, 传染病控制, 北航
- BigIN4: Instant, Interactive Insight Identification for Multi-Dimensional Big Data, 大数据商业智能, 微软
- Managing Computer-Assisted Detection System Based on Transfer Learning with Negative Transfer Inhibi, 计算机负责检测系统
- Billion-scale Commodity Embedding for E-commerce Recommendation in Alibaba, 十亿级别的embedding实现, 阿里巴巴
- A Data-Driven Three-Layer Algorithm for Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with 3D Container Loa, 运输规划, 华为
- Predicting Estimated Time of Arrival for Commercial Flights, 预估商飞到达时间
- SQR: Balancing Speed, Quality and Risk in Online Experiments, AB测试 LinkedIn
- Buy It Again: Modeling Repeat Purchase Recommendations, 复购的推荐, Amazon
- Learning to Estimate the Travel Time, 到达时间预测, 滴滴
- Anatomy of a Privacy-Safe Large-Scale Information Extraction System Over Email, 隐私安全的信息抽取, Google
- EANN: Event Adversarial Neural Networks for Multi-Modal Fake News Detection, 假新闻检测
- Interpretable Representation Learning for Healthcare via Capturing Disease Progression through Time, 病毒传播
- Notification Volume Control and Optimization System at Pinterest, 通知容量控制和优化, Pinterest
- Deep Learning for Practical Image Recognition: Case Study on Kaggle Competitions, 图像识别实战, Kaggle
- Shield: Fast, Practical Defense and Vaccination for Deep Learning using JPEG Compression, 用JPEG压缩实现对DNN的快速防御?
- Deploying Machine Learning Models for Public Policy: A Framework, 机器学习模型的部署框架
- Active Deep Learning To Tune Down the Noise in Labels, 主动学习降低label噪声
- Dynamic Recommendations for Sequential Hiring Decisions in Online Labor Markets, 劳动力市场的动态推荐
- Tax fraud detection for under-reporting declarations using an unsupervised machine learning approach, 检测个税诈骗
- Optimal Allocation of Real-Time-Bidding And Direct Campaigns, 最优预算广告
- Recommendations with Negative Feedback via Pairwise Deep Reinforcement Learning, DRL+负反馈推荐,京东
- Assessing Candidate Preference through Web Browsing History, 选举
- A Scalable Solution for Rule-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging on Novel Hardware Accelerators, POS tagging FPGA加速
- Buy It Again: Modeling Repeat Purchase Recommendations, 复购, Amazon
- Adaptive Paywall Mechanism for Digital News Media, 自适应地让用户订购,动态定价,动态补贴
- Deep Sequence Learning with Auxiliary Information for Traffic Prediction, 路由流量预测
- Scalable Query N-Gram Embedding for Improving Matching and Relevance in Sponsored Search, query embedding的广告检索
- Scalable Optimization for Embedding Highly-Dynamic and Recency-Sensitive Data, 清华,不知道干啥
- Pangloss: Fast Entity Linking in Noisy Text Environments, 实体关系链
- Learning to Estimate the Travel Time, 滴滴 ETA
- Exploring Student Check-In Behavior for Improved Point-of-Interest Prediction, 基于社交打开数据预测POI
- Notification Volume Control and Optimization System at Pinterest, push频率控制, Pinterest
- Identify Susceptible Locations in Medical Records via Adversarial Attacks on Deep Predictive Models, medical记录的对抗攻击?
- Active Deep Learning To Tune Down the Noise in Labels, 主动学习降低label的噪声
- Mobile access record resolution on large-scale identifier-linkage graphs, 自然人识别,基于图挖掘, 浙大、阿里巴巴
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Sponsored Search Real-time Bidding, DRL实时竞价, 浙大、阿里巴巴
- MIX: Multi-Channel Information Crossing for Text Matching, 多通道信息交叉, 腾讯
- Discovering latent patterns of urban cultural interactions in WeChat for modern city planning, 微信城市计算, 腾讯
- StepDeep: A Novel Spatial-temporal Mobility Event Prediction Framework based on Deep Neural Network, 空时预测框架, 清华、科大、CMU etc