【2018-Airbnb】Applying Deep Learning To Airbnb Search





Lambdarank NN

def apply_discount(x):
    '''Apply positional discount curve''' 
    return np.log(2.0)/np.log(2.0 + x)

def compute_weights(logit_op, session): 
    '''Compute loss weights based on delta ndcg.
    logit_op is a [BATCH_SIZE, NUM_SAMPLES] shaped tensor corresponding to the output layer of the network.
    Each row corresponds to a search and each
    column a listing in the search result. Column 0 is the booked listing, while columns 1 through
    NUM_SAMPLES - 1 the not-booked listings. '''
    logit_vals = session.run(logit_op) 
    ranks = NUM_SAMPLES - 1 - logit_vals.argsort(axis=1).argsort(axis=1) 
    discounted_non_booking = apply_discount(ranks[:, 1:]) 
    discounted_booking = apply_discount(np.expand_dims(ranks[:, 0], axis=1)) 
    discounted_weights = np.abs(discounted_booking - discounted_non_booking) 
    return discounted_weight

# Compute the pairwise loss
pairwise_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( 
    targets=tf.ones_like(logit_op[:, 0]), 
    logits=logit_op[:, 0] - logit_op[:, i:] )
# Compute the lambdarank weights based on delta ndcg
weights = compute_weights(logit_op, session)
# Multiply pairwise loss by lambdarank weights
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(pairwise_loss, weights))

Decision Tree/Factorization Machine NN

Deep NN


Listing ID

Multi-task learning

Xing Yi, Liangjie Hong, Erheng Zhong, Nanthan Nan Liu, and Suju Rajan. 2014. Beyond Clicks: Dwell Time for Personalization. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA,









TopBot Analysis


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